Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Anne Frank, the first blogger?

When I decided to start this blog I intended it to be sort of a diary, you know kind of a Anne Frank of our time. Did you know she referred to her diary as "Kitty" and when she wrote she did so as if she was speaking to someone. I find this rather interesting because when I am blogging I am merely writing down my thoughts in hope that someone will come across them, read them and find something useful in what they have read. Can you imagine the people that she would have reached if the technology that we have today had been available to her. I bet that it would not have taken the US the us being bombed at Pearl Harbor to get involved WWII. She would have been that hidden voice with an untraceable ISP sending messages of hope to those others in hiding. It is very sad when you think about it, she never got to see how her story has inspired millions of people throughout the world. I often think she wanted her diary to be found, had she grown up as God intended and not "murdered" I think she would have had a lot to say. Now you may ask yourself what does this have to do with NF. Well, it has nothing really to do with NF. This is just another day in the life of this NF'er who enjoys writing down her thoughts and hopes to share them with others.

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